From NBCA Website
The name Buhund is derived from the Norwegian word ‘bu’ which means farm, homestead or mountain hut, where the shepherd lived while looking after his herd in the summer. The Buhund was used as an all purpose farm and herding dog, as well as a watch dog. The Buhund is still used for their original purpose in Norway and can often be seen on remote farms.
The Norwegian Buhund is a typical Spitz type dog with prick ears and a curled tail. Dogs similar to the Buhund were found in a Viking grave in Norway from about the year 900 a.d. In the Gokstad excavation in Norway, where a Viking grave was opened, skeletons from six dogs of various sizes were found. They would be the representatives of modern-day Buhunds.
It is documented that these dogs traveled with Vikings both by sea and land. The modern Buhund that we see today was developed on the western coastlands of Norway.
The first Buhund show was held at Jaeren, Norway in the 1920, at the initiative of Buhund enthusiast John Saeland. The Norsk Buhund Club was founded in 1939. Toralf Raanaas was the first President of the club. John Saeland and Toralf Raanaas selected the best animals for breed type and working ability. The first Buhund registered was named Flink.
The Norwegian Buhund was used as an all purpose farm dog for herding sheep and cattle and as a watch dog. The Buhund is an excellent obedience and agility dog and is currently being used as a hearing assistance dog. They are very high energy and enjoy having a job.